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  2. The Grand

The Grand: The Latest Architecture and News

Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles

Frank Gehry's Grand Avenue towers have officially broken ground in downtown Los Angeles. After over a decade in the making, the project was designed from a central retail core into the two terracing towers with a mix of retail, entertainment and residences. The $1 billion complex aims to turn Grand Avenue into a full entertainment district. Conceived as a public-private partnership, the project is considered a capstone for the Grand Avenue Redevelopment initiative to complete the city’s main downtown cultural corridor.

Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles - Image 1 of 4Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles - Image 2 of 4Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles - Image 3 of 4Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles - Image 4 of 4Gehry Celebrates Groundbreaking for The Grand in Los Angeles - More Images