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Terroxy Resin Systems: The Latest Architecture and News

Expanding the Range of Sustainable Materials: The Arrival of Bio-Based Terrazzo

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It's often said that trends come back, but terrazzo appears to be the exception—never truly fading from popularity. With a long tradition of craftsmanship, terrazzo has maintained its relevance over the centuries, continuously adapting to evolving creative expressions. Whether in homes, restaurants, or libraries, it demonstrates remarkable versatility, offering a unique combination of technical qualities, mottled aesthetic, and timeless appeal. As it evolves, terrazzo adapts to modern building standards and growing environmental awareness, ensuring its relevance in contemporary architecture and design while expanding sustainable solutions.

Why is Terrazzo Considered One of the Original Sustainable Floors?

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When designing an architecture project, defining the flooring is a key element in achieving the comfort, style and functionality imagined by the design team. Depending on the type of use and its requirements, architects can choose the most suitable materials, textures and finishes for each project. Terrazzo & Marble offers a sustainable option to traditional materials like wood, carpet and ceramic with Terroxy Resin Systems, which are known for their sustainability, design flexibility, durability and low maintenance.