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Tensile Structure: The Latest Architecture and News

Perceiving Chinese Architecture From the Eyes of Structural Engineers

When we are discussing the definition of “structure”, the term varies within different disciplines. In the context of the built environment, "structure" refers to anything that is constructed or built from different interrelated parts with a fixed location on the ground.

Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors

Atelier YokYok has created an immersive experience of string and light for their "Shooting Vaults” installation at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Cahors, France. Created in collaboration with Ulysse Lacoste and Laure Qaremy, the project will be on display through the month of June.

Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors - Image 1 of 4Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors - Image 2 of 4Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors - Image 3 of 4Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors - Image 4 of 4Atelier YokYok Designs an Enchanting String Installation in Cahors - More Images+ 5

Venice Biennale 2014: Paraguay to Submit Tensile Water Structure

Paraguay means “water that flows toward the sea” in the language of the country’s indigenous Guarani people. It is no surprise, then, that Paraguay’s entry for the 2014 Venice Biennale uses water as the primary structural member. Titled “Aqua Alta,” the Paraguayan pavilion responds to the Biennale’s focus on modern fundamentals by stating that modern architecture must achieve more with less.

SDA + Volvo Collaborate to Create Portable Car-Charging Pavilion

After months of design refinement and engineering, Synthesis Design + Architecture (SDA), winners of the "Switch to Pure Volvo" architecture competition, have launched a free-standing mobile pavilion capable of harnessing solar energy to power the new Volvo V60, the world's first diesel plug-in hybrid car. The 'Pure Tension' Pavilion was birthed by SDA's extensive research on dynamic mesh relaxation, utilizing bendable, lightweight aluminum structures with flexible fabrics that can be stored in the trunk of the car and easily mounted within one hour, similar to a tent.