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Summit: The Latest Architecture and News

Vision 2020 - The AIA WMR Summit

The six-state American Institute of Architects Western Mountain Region, established in 1959, is comprised of the AIA State Components of Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. These states take turns every year to host the annual regional conference. Join us in Albuquerque for visionary discussions about Design, Leadership, Sustainability, and Advocacy! The last day of the Summit is the first day of Albuquerque's International Balloon Fiesta, a great time to visit!

Conference: Leaders in Architecture MENA

Leaders in Architecture MENA is dedicated to developing, celebrating and connecting architects, interior designers and senior decision makers from leading international architectural practices, contractors, developers, government officials, engineers and solution providers. Gathering the most senior industry professionals from across the world, the summit provides a unique opportunity to learn from and get inspired by leaders, luminaries, and legends from within and outside architecture, set future business plans and appreciate breathtaking and daring architecture.

Open Call: Mountain Architecture Prototype (MAP), an SPM Design Competition

Utah-based community project Summit has announced Mountain Architecture Prototype (MAP), an SPM Design Competition, "to select the design of a cabin prototype in an effort to push forward the conversation around what it means to build responsibly at 8,400 feet in the Wasatch [Mountain] Range.”

The competition seeks submissions for a structure of up to 2,500 square feet, which will be located on a 12 degree sloped site at Summit Powder Mountain. Sustainable designs are highly encouraged, particularly with the use of natural materials.