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Sulzano: The Latest Architecture and News

The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to "Walk on Water"

Beginning this week, and lasting for only sixteen days, visitors to the Italian Lake Iseo can "walk on water." The Floating Piers is the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, based on an idea first conceived in 1970. Built using 100,000 square meters of shimmering yellow fabric, carried by a modular floating dock system of 220,000 high-density polyethylene cubes, the installation—which sits just above water level—undulates with the movement of the lake.

According to Italian news source, Leggo, two people were "seriously injured" and the installation was "evacuated" on its opening day due to the quantity of visitors and inclement weather conditions.

Those who experience The Floating Piers will feel like they are walking on water – or perhaps the back of a whale.

The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to "Walk on Water" - Image 1 of 4The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to "Walk on Water" - Image 2 of 4The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to "Walk on Water" - Image 3 of 4The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to "Walk on Water" - Image 4 of 4The Floating Piers Opens on Lake Iseo Allowing Visitors to Walk on Water - More Images+ 7