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Studio Tomas Saraceno: The Latest Architecture and News

Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab

Exploring the use of innovative technologies in architecture and practicing at the crossroads between art and spatial design, Gili Ron and Irina Bogdan have imagined project Galath3a, a woman-machine collaboration. The research-based venture uses a UR5 robotic arm named Gala (short for Galatea), to speculate on what is culturally considered as "womanly behavior".

Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab - Image 1 of 4Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab - Image 2 of 4Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab - Image 3 of 4Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab - Image 4 of 4Project Galath3a: a Woman-Machine Collaboration at the Berlin Open Lab - More Images+ 4

Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Argentine environmental artist Tomás Saraceno has recently unveiled his latest venture at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. On view and remaining until February 14, 2021, the installation entitled Moving Atmospheres, is a partially mirrored sphere suspended midair in the museum’s atrium, made from ETFE.

Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 1 of 4Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 2 of 4Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 3 of 4Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 4 of 4Tomás Saraceno Designs Partially Mirrored and Suspended Sphere at Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Art - More Images

Video Segment Showcases Tomás Saraceno's Berlin Studio

Tomás Saraceno takes us around his Berlin studio, in a short segment video, shot during his recent exhibition 'Algo-r(h)i(y)thms' at Esther Schipper gallery. The Argentinian artist’s atelier, “a space for experimentation and testing out intricate ideas”, contains a room dedicated to his recent studies around spiders.

Prequalification Results of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center

Prequalification Results of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center - Featured Image

The Prequalification Meeting of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center was held in Banquet Hall, 3F, Tower C, MingWah International Convention Centre on May 20, 2019. The jury was made up of 7 experts and 2 client representatives. The jury studied the registration documents and conceptual proposals of the 124 applicants. After deep discussion, through 5 rounds of open votes the jury selected 10 shortlisted competitors into the competition and 2 alternatives in order who will enter Stage 2 - Proposal Preparation and Review by order if any of the 10 competitors quit.

'On Space Time Foam' Exhibition / Studio Tomas Saraceno

'On Space Time Foam' Exhibition / Studio Tomas Saraceno - Image 16 of 4
Courtesy HangarBicocca Foundation, Milan

On display until February 3rd at the HangarBicocca in Milan, the ‘On Space Time Foam’ suspended art exhibit by Studio Tomas Saraceno is composed of a transparent surface accessible to visitors, hanging at a height of 20 metres and covering 400 square metres on three layers, for a total of 1,200 square metres. Known for his surprising structures that draw the public into extraordinary spatial and emotional experiences, the large soft and floating film welcomes visitors who will thus find themselves moving mid-air between the floor and the ceiling, earth and sky, and it compels them to lose their spatial coordinates. More images and architects’ description after the break.