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  2. Studio Sofield

Studio Sofield: The Latest Architecture and News

111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out

Centered over Central Park in Midtown Manhattan, 111 West 57th Street, the second tallest residential building in the Western Hemisphere has topped out at 1,428 feet. Designed by SHoP Architects with interior architecture by Studio Sofield, the tower is considered the most slender skyscraper in the world.

111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - Image 1 of 4111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - Image 2 of 4111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - Image 3 of 4111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - Image 4 of 4111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - More Images+ 8