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  2. Studio Magazine

Studio Magazine: The Latest Architecture and News

Call for Papers: STUDIO#07 - ILLEGAL

Contemporary society is based on written rules or not – whether right or wrong – that influence people's existence, thus as in everyday's life, also the city creates its rules, offering hidden scenarios going beyond their normal ordinary perception, proposing new types of space and relation.


Studio Magazine has released their latest issue: POWER. The relationship between architecture and power has been the main character in the urban transformation with no space-time boundaries. In which way nowadays the pair Power-Architecture consciously or unconsciously transforms our cities and the spaces we inhabit?


STUDIO Magazine have just released their new issue: IMPORT-EXPORT. In the contemporary age, in which markets, productions, consumptions, lifestyles and mindsets are connected on a global scale, in a continuous flux of exchanges generating interdependency among them, architecture keeps being contamined by external factors which renovate this discipline's principles.