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Stoves: The Latest Architecture and News

35 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest

35 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest - Image 1 of 435 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest - Image 2 of 435 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest - Image 3 of 435 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest - Image 4 of 435 Fireplaces that Spark Architectural Interest - More Images+ 31

From the beginning of time, human beings have gathered around the fire. The first settlements and huts included in their interior a small bonfire to cook and maintain the heat of its inhabitants. This tradition has continued to the present, and chimneys and fireplaces have developed into the most varied designs and forms, providing possibilities both inside and outside a home.

To give you ideas for materials, structures, and spatial configurations, we present 35 remarkable meeting places around the fire.