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  2. Spruce Goose

Spruce Goose: The Latest Architecture and News

ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar

ZGF architects have completed Google's new L.A. office by transforming California's landmark Spruce Goose Hangar. Designed as a building-within-a-building, the project was built inside the seven-story, 750-foot-long historic wooden structure. The 450,000 SF, four-level design is sited between two existing Google properties, and the project aimed to unify the Playa Vista campus while bringing a new perspective to workplace through adaptive reuse.

ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar - Image 1 of 4ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar - Image 2 of 4ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar - Image 3 of 4ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar - Image 4 of 4ZGF Reveals Google's New L.A. Office in Historic California Hangar - More Images