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Silesian University of Technology: The Latest Architecture and News

Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River

For generations, nature has been held up as something to respect, to take inspiration from, to place at the center of architecture. Few new designs today are complete without some visualized parkland or tree placed implausibly high up on the latest visionary high rise development. But what do you do when nature ups and leaves? How can architecture respond? That’s the question that Mateusz Pospiech’s master’s thesis, completed at the Silesian University of Technology, attempts to answer by taking the severe example of the disappearance of Iran’s Zayanderud River and proposing the equally incredible solution: an enormous, six-kilometer-long ecologically sustainable megastructure along the dried riverbed, healing the scar both in the landscape and in the minds of Iranians.

Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River - Image 1 of 4Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River - Image 2 of 4Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River - Image 3 of 4Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River - Image 4 of 4Mateusz Pospiech Proposes a Megastructure to Replace Iran's Dried Up Zayanderud River - More Images+ 11