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  2. Shinagawa

Shinagawa: The Latest Architecture and News

Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa

Japan plans on transforming the area around Shinagawa station into a global hub, further connecting Tokyo to the international scene of business and innovation. The Connecticut-based architecture firm Pickard Chilton recently completed the masterplan and concept design for the area's redevelopment into the Global Gateway Shinagawa, an innovative urban environment.

Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa - Image 1 of 4Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa - Image 2 of 4Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa - Image 3 of 4Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa - Image 4 of 4Pickard Chilton Completes Master Plan for the Global Gateway Shinagawa - More Images+ 15

E-1 / Naf Architect & Design

E-1 / Naf Architect & Design - Apartments, FacadeE-1 / Naf Architect & Design - Apartments, Facade, DoorE-1 / Naf Architect & Design - Apartments, Facade, HandrailE-1 / Naf Architect & Design - Apartments, Door, Chair, TableE-1 / Naf Architect & Design - More Images+ 15

Shinagawa, Japan
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  251
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  IOC Flooring, Lixil Corporation, SK Kaken