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Serpentine Pavilion 2022: The Latest Architecture and News

Community and Identity: Central Topics in Ephemeral Architecture in 2022

Staged stories on community and identity, ephemeral architecture showed that in 2022 it doesn't have to be permanent to be powerful. A direct and popped-up public installation can shift from preparation to action, reclaiming and defining what makes a community unique. Highlighting installations to acknowledge linguistic diversity in NYC, a giant table to celebrate culinary in Barcelona, and a large-scale net in Dubai to represent the local culture, among others, these initiatives seek to understand ways in which local and regional expressions can help cities to be more equal and diverse.

Globalization has connected the world boundaryless. While it has also made information more accessible, it has led to homogeneity and identity crisis at melding unique societies and cultural expressions. Cultural differences are undeniable as globalization grows. Hence, as architecture produces common living standards, it can also highlight singularities. Festivals, installations, and pavilions, 2022 was the year to express local memories to be recognized and celebrated, setting Community and identity as central topics in ephemeral architecture throughout the year.

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Crafting for Contemplation: The Minimal vs. The Ornamental

A few weeks ago, this year’s edition of the Serpentine Pavilion opened to the public. Designed by Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates, it’s an evocative project, its cylindrical form referencing American beehive kilns, English bottle kilns, and Musgum adobe homes found in Cameroon.

What the pavilion is named tells the viewer a lot more about its intentions as a spatial experience. Titled Black Chapel, it houses a spacious room with wraparound benches, and an oculus above that allows daylight to filter into the space. It’s a fairly minimal interior – designed as a site for contemplation and reflection. This minimal quality of Gates’ Serpentine Pavilion raises particularly interesting questions. How artists and architects opt for a “less is more” approach when designing meditative spaces, but also how these introspective spaces have been equally enhanced by ornamentation.

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Black Chapel, Theaster Gates' 2022 Serpentine Pavilion is Now Open

The 21st Serpentine Pavilion, Black Chapel, designed by Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates opens today, on June 10, 2022. On display until the 16th of October 2022, the project is realized with the architectural support of Adjaye Associates with Goldman Sachs’ patronage. In 2021, the Pavilion events program was planned to reflect Gates’ concept of interlinking architecture and music, particularly emphasizing artistic explorations of monastic sounds and hymns. The pavilion will act as a platform for Serpentine’s live program throughout the summer, offering the public space of reflection, connection, and joy.

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Black Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates

Black Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, Garden, Facade, Door
Courtesy of Serpentine. Image © Iwan Baan

Black Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeBlack Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeBlack Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - Interior Photography, Pavilion, LightingBlack Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - Interior Photography, Pavilion, Facade, ColumnBlack Chapel Serpentine Pavilion 2022 / Theaster Gates - More Images

Chicago-Based Artist Theaster Gates Reveals Design for the 2022 Serpentine Pavilion

American artist Theaster Gates unveiled his design for the 21st Serpentine Pavilion. Curated for the first time by a non-architect, the 2022 edition named Black Chapel, “will pay homage to British craft and manufacturing traditions”. Realized with the architectural support of Adjaye Associates, the pavilion will open to the public on Friday 10 June 2022, in Kensington Gardens.