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Sergey Skuratov Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Skyscrapers of 2018: Soaring Beyond the Archetypal Crystal Tower

Skyscrapers of 2018: Soaring Beyond the Archetypal Crystal Tower - Image 12 of 4
© Viktor Sukharukov

Either as singular outcroppings or as part of a bustling center, skyscrapers are neck-craning icons across major city centers in the world. A modern trope of extreme success and wealth, the skyscraper has become an architectural symbol for vibrant urban hubs and commercial powerhouses dominating cities like New York, Dubai, and Singapore.

While skyscrapers are omnipresent, 2018 introduced new approaches, technologies, and locations to the high-rise typology. From variations in materiality to form, designs for towers have started to address aspects beyond simply efficiency and height, proposing new ways for the repetitive form to bring unique qualities to city skylines. Below, a few examples of proposals and trends from 2018 that showcase the innovative ideas at work: 

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Moscow’s New Supertall Skyscraper Approved for Construction

Moscow officials have approved a new supertall building that will become the city's tallest skyscraper. Rising 404 meters (1,325 feet) in height as part of the Moscow City commercial district, the tower is designed by Sergey Skuratov Architects. The unnamed structure will be a multifunctional residential complex with 109 floors. The new skyscraper will break Moscow's current tall building record set by Federation Tower at 373-meter-tall (1,226 feet) tall. Construction is scheduled to begin next year.

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Sergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing"

Sergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing" - Arch Daily Interviews
Copper House / Sergey Skuratov Architects. Image Courtesy of Sergey Skuratov Architects

Sergey Skuratov, founder of Sergey Skuratov Architects, an award-winning Russian practice (2008 Architect of the Year), is known for his sleek and well-composed portfolio. Projects such as Copper House, Art House, and House on Mosfilmovskaya Street demonstrate his sensitivity to materiality and ability to retain his vision from concept to reality. Over the last two decades Skuratov has succeeded in producing a whole strata of world-class architecture in Moscow, far more than any other local practitioner. His projects, predominantly residential and office complexes, have remained attractive and versatile without ever veering into conservatism.

Sergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing" - Arch Daily InterviewsSergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing" - Arch Daily InterviewsSergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing" - Arch Daily InterviewsSergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: "I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing" - Arch Daily InterviewsSergey Skuratov of Sergey Skuratov Architects: I Imagine the Building as a Living Thing - More Images+ 11

Sergey Skuratov Wins Competition for Multi Use Project on Moscow River Bank

Sergey Skuratov Wins Competition for Multi Use Project on Moscow River Bank - Featured Image

A consortium led by Sergey Skuratov Architects (SSA) was selected over Steven Holl Architects and Miralles Tagliabue EMBT to develop a concept for a multi use complex on Moscow's Sofiyskaya Embankment. Planned for a historic area on the Moscow-river bank, opposite Kremlin, the winning concept calls for three "longitudinal units with roofs of different types and heights" that produce a "picturesque outline" and offers a "gentle transition" from the "old buildings to new."

Read on for a glimpse of the winning and two runner-up proposals. 

6 of Russia's Best 21st Century Projects

Given the country's rich architectural history spanning almost the entirety of the 20th century, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the fall of Russian Communism in the early 1990s might have sparked an exciting new era in design. That promise hasn't exactly been fulfilled, but as The Calvert Journal reports, a few promising recent projects are hinting at a Russian Renaissance.

The last twenty years of architecture has added little but bog-standard steel-and-glass office blocks to the limited palate of the Russian cityscape — the usual glinting onion domes, pompous Stalinist neoclassicism and crumbling tower blocks. But lately some architects have dared to differ and turned bold blueprints into bricks and mortar. Read on after the break for our pick of the best Russian buildings of the last decade.

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