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senior citizens: The Latest Architecture and News

Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof

Designing a home is always a significant challenge. Technical and construction expertise must align with the expectations of its future resident, gently embracing their daily routine and tasks. Thus, mapping out the needs and rituals that will unfold within the house is fundamental for the success of the task. In the abundance of personalities, preferences, and quirks, residential architecture needs to mediate intentions and embrace diversities.

Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof - Image 1 of 4Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof - Image 2 of 4Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof - Image 3 of 4Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof - Image 4 of 4Inter-Generational Homes: Addressing Diverse Needs Under One Roof - More Images+ 17

MASS Design Group Creates COVID-19 Guide for Senior Housing

MASS Design Group has published a COVID-19 design guide for Senior Housing. Made by the firm's Design Response team, it includes strategies and best practices for retrofitting and upgrading existing buildings. The guide aims to help senior housing developers and operators as they work to manage infection control while balancing social and cultural needs with emerging research on the coronavirus.

How To Design for Senior Citizens

The population’s aging phenomenon is occurring worldwide. We say phenomenon because all population pyramids are reversing, which means birth rates are steadily decreasing over the years, and at the same time, life expectancy has been increasing. Thus, the elderly population is growing at a faster rate than children.

According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), in 2017 there were more than 30 million people over the age of 60 in Brazil (14.6% of the population). To understand this growing demographic, let's take a look at other countries' statistics. Mexico's total population is about 28 million, the size of Australia's and New Zealand's combined population. We are talking about a demographic the size of a country.