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  2. Sedona

Sedona: The Latest Architecture and News

Trail House / Gluckman Tang Architects

Trail House / Gluckman Tang Architects - Exterior Photography, Visitor Center, FacadeTrail House / Gluckman Tang Architects - Interior Photography, Visitor Center, Beam, Facade, TableTrail House / Gluckman Tang Architects - Interior Photography, Visitor CenterTrail House / Gluckman Tang Architects - Exterior Photography, Visitor CenterTrail House / Gluckman Tang Architects - More Images+ 8

AD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein

AD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein - ChapelAD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein - Chapel, FacadeAD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein - Chapel, Facade, Arch, ColumnAD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein - Chapel, Facade, Arch, DoorAD Classics: Chapel of the Holy Cross / Richard Hein - More Images+ 8