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Sebastián Hernández: The Latest Architecture and News

Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile

In 2017 the team led by Chilean architects Alberto Moletto, Cristóbal Tirado, Sebastián Hernández, and Danilo Lagos was selected as the winners of the International Antarctic Center (CAI) design competition, a unique landmark planned for Punta Arenas, a city at the deep south of Chile.

Four years later, Chile's Ministry of Social Development has given the green light to the 33,000-square-meter (355,200-square-foot) project after reviewing the technical requirements, as local media reported on August 3.

Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile - Image 1 of 4Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile - Image 3 of 4Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile - Image 5 of 4Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile - Image 9 of 4Punta Arenas International Antarctic Center Receives Approval in Chile - More Images+ 5