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  2. Schlosslichtspiele Festival

Schlosslichtspiele Festival: The Latest Architecture and News

Zaha Hadid Architects' Light Projection Show Transforms 18th Century Baroque Palace in Germany

An 18th century baroque palace in Karlsruhe, Germany has become the canvas for a dazzling light mapping projection in the latest project by Zaha Hadid Architects.

Named “Behaviour Morphe,” the projection display was created in collaboration with composer Max Cooper and leading digital artists Andy Lomas and Mubbasir Kapadia for the city’s 2017 Schlosslichtspiele Festival, exploring how digital spatial concepts could shape the living spaces of the future.

Zaha Hadid Architects to Project Augmented Reality Light Show onto Karlsruhe Castle at 2017 Schlosslichtspiele Festival

Zaha Hadid Architects, collaborating with digital artists and computer science researchers Andy Lomas and Mubbasir Kapadia, have been selected to create a projection mapping light show at the 2017 Schlosslichtspiele Festival in Karlsruhe, Germany. Titled ‘Behaviour Morphe,’ the dynamic light display will be projected onto the city’s 18th century baroque palace, simulating how users move throughout and interact with the building’s interior spaces.