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  2. Sarah Biemiller

Sarah Biemiller: The Latest Architecture and News

‘7’: Installation at Alderbrook Station / Sarah Biemiller & Robert Hutchison

‘7’: Installation at Alderbrook Station / Sarah Biemiller & Robert Hutchison - Image 15 of 4
© Don Frank, Robert Hutchison

Alderbrook Station, located slightly east of Astoria along the Columbia River, is the site of the former Union Fisherman’s Cooperative Packaging Company, which once supported a thriving salmon fishing industry. The Netshed is a 3-story timber structure which was used by fishermen to repair and store their gill nets. Inspired by the natural and man-made qualities that pervade Alderbrook Station, such as the movement of tides, the light that reflects off the Columbia River, the memories and history contained within and around Alderbrook Station, and the structure of the Net Shed itself, Robert Hutchison and Sarah Biemiller’s shared with us their proposal for an installation inside the Net Shed developed out of numerous influences. More images and architects’ description after the break.