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  2. São João

São João: The Latest Architecture and News

House in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende

House in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende - HousesHouse in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende - HousesHouse in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende - HousesHouse in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende - HousesHouse in São João de Ovar / Nelson Resende - More Images+ 53

São João, Portugal
  • Architects: Nelson Resende
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  244
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017

Thyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional

Thyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, Table, ChairThyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional - Adaptive Reuse, Stairs, HandrailThyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, Beam, Table, ChairThyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional - Adaptive Reuse, Table, ChairThyssenkrupp GSS / Arquitetura Nacional - More Images+ 42

JCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura

JCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura - Apartments, Facade, Stairs, BenchJCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura - Apartments, Facade, Balcony, CityscapeJCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura - Apartments, Facade, BalconyJCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura - Apartments, FacadeJCândido Building / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura - More Images+ 40

São João, Brazil
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1742
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Esquadrias Vetrus, Hunter Douglas, Vidrotil
  • Professionals: MKS Empreendimentos