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SAMYN and PARTNERS: The Latest Architecture and News

The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects

In 1926, Le Corbusier developed the five points that would become the foundations for modern architecture. Once materialized in 1929 in the iconic Villa Savoye project, Le Corbusier's principles - pilotis, free design of the ground plan, free design of the facade, horizontal window, and roof garden - have been extensively explored in modern architecture and continue to influence the most diverse contemporary architectural projects to this day.

The five points became a kind of guideline for the New Architecture, as Corbusier used to call it. Even after decades, new technologies, materials, and demands of society have continued to update those architectural solutions, announced almost a century ago as the basis for a new architecture.

The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects - Image 1 of 4The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects - Image 6 of 4The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects - Image 21 of 4The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects - Image 24 of 4The 5 Points of Modern Architecture in Contemporary Projects - More Images+ 26

8 Beautiful Belgian Houses: The Expert on Ugly Belgian Houses Weighs In

Sometimes an architect’s best intentions get lost along the way. Sometimes they get value-engineered out; sometimes they were never really there to begin with. That's where Ugly Belgian Houses comes in. The blog, run by discerning Belgian Hannes Coudenys, documents some of his home country's architectural misadventures - all with a sense of humor, of course!

Today, to celebrate Belgium's National Day, we asked the man behind the blog to select some beautiful Belgian houses. His choices - with a few words from him and the architects - after the break.