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  2. Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Saint-Germain-en-Laye: The Latest Architecture and News

Léonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures

Léonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, SustainabilityLéonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Interior Photography, Sustainability, Chair, TableLéonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, FacadeLéonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - Exterior Photography, SustainabilityLéonard de Vinci Technical College / TANK Architectes + COSA Colboc Sachet architectures - More Images+ 23

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

Civic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden

Civic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden - Community , Lighting, ChairCivic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden - Community , FacadeCivic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden - Community , Facade, Table, Chair, BenchCivic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden - Community , Chair, Lighting, TableCivic center in St Germain en Laye / Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden - More Images+ 7

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
  • Architects: Atelier 9 portes + Philippe Harden: Atelier 9 portes (Barbara Kozielewski, Michal Kozielewski, Olivier Rozé ) and Philippe Harden, Paris
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1660
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2008