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Safdie Architctes: The Latest Architecture and News

Winners of the ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020 Awards

Winners of the ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020 Awards  - Featured Image

Another year, another successful ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards! With more than 95,000 votes gathered over the past 20 days, the results of the 2020 edition are in! Once more, the award has proved to be the largest architecture prize centered around people’s opinion. Crowdsourced, the most relevant projects of the year were both nominated and selected by our readers.

Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67

Safdie Architects has completed a comprehensive renovation of Moshe Safdie’s unit at the iconic Habitat 67 in Montreal, Canada. The 10th floor unit of the designated monument was restored to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Habitat 67, in conjunction with a 2017 exhibition of Safdie’s work titled “Habitat ‘67 vers l’avenir : The Shape of Things to Come.”

Two years worth of repairs to the duplex unit included addressing decades worth of water damage, extensive interior restoration, and technical upgrades to align the building’s systems to 21st century standards of sustainability and energy conservation.

Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67 - Image 1 of 4Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67 - Image 2 of 4Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67 - Image 3 of 4Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67 - Image 4 of 4Safdie Architects Completes an Extensive Restoration of Unit at Habitat 67 - More Images+ 6

Safdie Architects and Perkins+Will's Albert Einstein Medical School Breaks Ground in São Paulo

The first Brazilian project by Safdie Architects has broken ground in Sao Paolo's Morumbi neighborhood on November 6. Developed in partnership with Perkins+Will, The Albert Einstein Education and Research Center is part of the Albert Einstein hospital complex.

The new center, named Campus Cecilia and Abram Szajman, will be one of the most advanced institutions in Latin America for medical studies. It will feature innovations in learning methods and technologies, as well as flexible research laboratories capable of adapting to the advancement of hospital techniques.