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Rudolph Schindler: The Latest Architecture and News

“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”: In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra

It was, of course, Frank Lloyd Wright who set up the ground for modern architecture to happen in Los Angeles. Then came the Viennese, Rudolph Schindler in 1920 and Richard Neutra in 1925 at the invitation of Schindler. Both worked for Wright choosing to learn from him what they saw as essential—by focusing on spatial and formal clarity, transformability, restrained materiality, and the living environment to achieve a desirable quality of life within. Neutra and Schindler collaborated at first, and then each built a rich portfolio, mainly comprising houses and apartment blocks. Universal in principle, these abstract robust structures defined and led the development of a local building vernacular. These buildings, of which there are several hundred, are now strongly associated with the two architects’ adopted city.

“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”:  In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra - Image 1 of 4“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”:  In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra - Image 2 of 4“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”:  In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra - Image 3 of 4“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”:  In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra - Image 4 of 4“Our Mission Is to Preserve and Explore the Neutra Legacy”:  In Conversation with Raymond Neutra, the Youngest Son of Richard Neutra - More Images+ 24

“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects

Michael Rotondi’s buildings—museums, civic centers, education facilities, monasteries, restaurants, and residences—evoke kinetic mechanisms that fold, hinge, twist, and split open. They express the architect’s feelings, thinking, and mood at the time they had been designed, and, on some occasions, during their assembly and construction. Rotondi was born in 1949 in Los Angeles.

He established his RoTo Architects, a research-based firm in his native city, in 1991 after co-heading Morphosis for 16 years with Thom Mayne. Parallel to his practicing career, the architect has been teaching and lecturing at SCI-Arc, Southern California Institute of Architecture, which he co-founded in 1972, led its graduate program from 1978-1987, and was the school’s second director for a decade from 1987 to 1997.

“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects - Image 1 of 4“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects - Image 2 of 4“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects - Image 3 of 4“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects - Image 4 of 4“I Think of My Work as Imploding Rather than Exploding:” in Conversation with Michael Rotondi of Roto Architects - More Images+ 21

AD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler

Secluded behind a screen of tall bamboo shoots in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, the Kings Road House may be considered the first home ever built in the Modernist style.[1] Designed by Rudolf Schindler in 1921, the architect’s use of tilt-slab concrete construction (highly innovative at the time) and an informal studio layout, set it apart from its contemporaries; indeed, the design would set the tone for other Modernist residential design for decades.

AD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - Houses, Garden, FacadeAD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - Houses, Beam, TableAD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - Houses, Garden, FacadeAD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - Houses, Door, Beam, Table, BenchAD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - More Images+ 5

A Delicate Endeavor: The Restoration of Modern Masterpieces by Schindler, Lautner, and The Eameses

How do you make a space more livable by current standards, while simultaneously upholding the original architect's design intentions? It's a delicate endeavor, but one that was recently accomplished by a couple of architects in Southern California. Originally published by AIArchitect as "Pacific Coast Sun Rises on Modernist House Restorations," this article investigates the thoughtful restorations of three homes designed by the pioneering modernists Rudolph Schindler, John Lautner, and Charles and Ray Eames.

Los Angeles’ early Modernist pioneers are no longer around to oversee the restoration of homes they designed more than a half-century ago, but their landmark projects are offering a new generation of designers historic case studies in Modernist preservation that grow more and more significant with each passing day. Vintage architectural renderings and drawings, photos, and notes are all ingredients these architects use to summon the spirits of Rudolph Schindler, John Lautner, and Charles and Ray Eames, to name a few, bringing their early works of California Modernism back to life.