Constrained by a lack of transportation and resources, vernacular architecture has started adapting the distinct strategy of utilizing local materials. By analyzing projects which have successfully incorporated these features into their design, this article gives an overview of how traditional materials, such as tiles, metal, rocks, bamboo, wooden sticks, timber, rammed earth and bricks are being transformed through vernacular architecture in China.
Rubble Stone: The Latest Architecture and News
The Contemporary Remodelling of Traditional Materials in Chinese Vernacular Architecture Miao
Recycling Tiles: 15 Examples of Repurposed Tiles in Walls, Facades, Flooring, and Furniture
Whether you're looking for an upgrade or to replace broken pieces for floors or walls, tiles are always an effective and readily available option for any project that you have in mind. With their relatively low production cost, tiles are rarely reused or recycled and, if they are, it's usually for their original function.én Maiztegui
Xijing Bay Pastoral Restaurant / 1406 STUDIO舒岳康