The climate crisis has become a staple of the architecture discourse, with the field slowly acknowledging its contribution to environmental issues and seeking to reframe its values and approaches. However, there is an evident lack of commitment and consistency in addressing the matter and an absence of systemic change. Emerging practices, organizations and startups are carving a new architecture practice, slowly unfolding a paradigm shift beyond "green" add-ons and technical equipment. Addressing environmental issues on multiple levels, from policy and design strategies to materials and construction processes, the following are some of the actors reframing the profession's relationship with sustainability.
ROTOR: The Latest Architecture and News
AD Interviews: Rotor, Curators of the Oslo Architecture Triennale
The Oslo Architecture Triennale, which will start in just a few days under the title “The Future of Comfort,” will discuss how sustainability is challenging our idea of comfort and posit how architects can enter into this debate. ArchDaily had the chance to talk with Rotor, the curators of the Triennale, who have collected over 600 objects carrying claims of sustainability from over 200 architecture offices, companies and environmental organizations across the world.
Most of all, we wanted to find out: what truly counts as "sustainable"? Read the complete interview after the break: Basulto