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Rodrigo Sepúlveda: The Latest Architecture and News

Chile’s Pavilion at the Venice Biennial 2021 Arrives at Santiago’s Museum of Contemporary Art

Chile’s Pavilion at the Venice Biennial 2021 Arrives at Santiago’s Museum of Contemporary Art - Image 1 of 4
© Nicolás Valencia

Testimonial Spaces, the theme of Chile's pavilion at the recent Venice Biennial 2021, opened to the public on the 18th of January at Santiago's Museum of Contemporary Art.

Curated by architects Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Testimonial Spaces brings together 525 paintings based on testimonies and everyday stories from the José María Caro neighbourhood in Santiago, in line with "How will we live together?", the theme of the biennial curated by Lebanese architect Hashim Sarkis.

9 On-Site Interviews with 2021 Venice Biennale Curators

After being postponed for one year, the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale opened its doors to the public on May 22nd, 2021, revealing a wide range of answers to Hashim Sarkis’ question of "How will we live together". With over 112 participants from 46 countries, the contributions are organized into five themes: Among Diverse Beings, As New Households, As Emerging Communities, Across Borders, and As One Planet. Due to travel restrictions, many curators were unable to be physically present at the inauguration of the event, resorting to digital platforms for interviews and presentations. ArchDaily had the chance to physically attend the exhibition and meet with some of the curators to further explore their pavilions. The following are 9 interviews from ArchDaily’s Youtube playlists that feature these exclusive interviews.

"There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture": In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion

Among the many topics explored at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale, the idea of community has been at the forefront, with several national pavilions exploring its many manifestations, evolution, and its relationship with the future of built environments. ArchDaily met with the curators of Testimonial Spaces, Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, the Chilean Pavilion at the Biennale, and discussed how the project tackled the question of the future of living together and how they bridged the stories from Santiago to Venice. The interview was conducted in Spanish but is provided with English subtitles.

"There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture": In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion - Image 1 of 4"There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture": In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion - Image 2 of 4"There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture": In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion - Image 3 of 4"There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture": In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion - Image 4 of 4There is a Relationship Between Narrative and Architecture: In Conversation with Emilio Marín and Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Cuartors of the Chilean Pavilion - More Images+ 11