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Ringsted: The Latest Architecture and News

Gottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark

A panel of judges including Mayor Henrik Hvidesten has chosen Gottlieb Paludan Architects’ proposal as the winning entry for a new pavilion to be completed in Ringsted Square, Denmark in 2018.

There is so much history in and around Ringsted Square, said Hvidesten. I am therefore delighted that the winning project gives us a pavilion that will not just integrate with the overall architecture of the square; it will also forge a link with history, retain a clear view of St. Bendt’s Church, and provide a new focal point of the square and its many functions, which will appeal to both young and old.

Gottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark - Courtyard, Facade, Arch, Column, BenchGottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark - Image 2 of 4Gottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark - FacadeGottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark - Image 4 of 4Gottlieb Paludan Architects Win Pavilion Competition in Ringsted Square Denmark - More Images+ 7

Communal Crematorium / Henning Larsen

Communal Crematorium / Henning Larsen - Interior Photography,         Crematorium, Door, FacadeCommunal Crematorium / Henning Larsen -         CrematoriumCommunal Crematorium / Henning Larsen - Interior Photography,         Crematorium, BenchCommunal Crematorium / Henning Larsen - Interior Photography,         Crematorium, FacadeCommunal Crematorium / Henning Larsen - More Images+ 11

Ringsted, Denmark

Skansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup

Skansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup - Houses, FacadeSkansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup - Houses, Door, Facade, HandrailSkansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup - Houses, Door, FacadeSkansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup - Houses, ForestSkansen Residences / Dorte Mandrup - More Images+ 11

Ringsted, Denmark
  • Architects: Dorte Mandrup: Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  790
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2006