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  2. Rhinebeck

Rhinebeck: The Latest Architecture and News

Ex of In House / Steven Holl Architects

Ex of In House / Steven Holl Architects - Houses, Arch, Handrail, Facade, Stairs, Beam, Door, ForestEx of In House / Steven Holl Architects - Houses, Beam, Facade, Arch, StairsEx of In House / Steven Holl Architects - Houses, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, Arch, Beam, ChairEx of In House / Steven Holl Architects - Houses, ForestEx of In House / Steven Holl Architects - More Images+ 19

Rhinebeck, United States

Steven Holl Architects Breaks Ground on the “Ex of In" House in New York

Steven Holl Architects Breaks Ground on the “Ex of In" House in New York - Sustainability, Arch, Facade
Model. Image Courtesy of Steven Holl Architects

Steven Holl Architects has broken ground on the “Ex of In House,” an experimental guest house and artist studio in Rhinebeck, New York. The house is part of the firms’ ongoing research project “Explorations of In,” which questions “current clichés of architectural language and commercial practice” and explores spatial language, energy, openness and public space.