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Retail Center: The Latest Architecture and News

MVRDV Breaks Ground on New Mixed-Use Complex in Chengdu, China

Construction has begun at the last remaining empty sites in Chengdu’s Jiaozi Park Financial and Business District, where MVRDV has designed a complex comprised of three mixed-use office towers and a conference center united by a ring-shaped plinth. The building shape and functional structure are informed by its surrounding context, with a retail village that references the traditional structures that were once located on the site.

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Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany

Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava has unveiled the design of the Calatrava Boulevard, a complex offering upmarket restaurants, retail, and office spaces in Düsseldorf, Germany. Located on a highly visible site between Königsallee boulevard, Königstrasse, and Steinstrasse, the new complex features a curved and vaulted 135-foot-tall roof and a flowing interior street, creating the appearance of a sculptural light-filled canyon. The project, done in collaboration with Uwe Reppegather, Founder and Managing Director of the CENTRUM Group, is set to be completed by 2028.

Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany - Image 1 of 4Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany - Image 2 of 4Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany - Image 3 of 4Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany - Image 4 of 4Santiago Calatrava Reveals Design for New Retail and Office Complex in Düsseldorf, Germany - More Images+ 3