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  2. Rafael Araujo

Rafael Araujo: The Latest Architecture and News

This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio

Rafael Araujo is a Venezuelan architect and illustrator who at the age of fifteen began to observe intelligent patterns in nature, giving rise to his interest in the golden ratio located in our natural environment.

More than 40 years later, the results of this hobby is a collection of beautiful illustrations of nature made entirely by hand, equipped with a pencil, a compass, a ruler and a protractor.

The artist's illustrations give his ability to represent the mathematical brilliance of the natural world, inciting the reunion of humans with nature.

This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio - Image 1 of 4This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio - Image 2 of 4This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio - Image 3 of 4This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio - Image 4 of 4This Architect Fuses Art and Science by Hand Illustrating the Golden Ratio - More Images+ 13