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  2. Quinte West

Quinte West: The Latest Architecture and News

Bata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Bata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design - Exterior Photography, Factory, FacadeBata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design - Interior Photography, Factory, Kitchen, FacadeBata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design - Interior Photography, Factory, Stairs, HandrailBata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design - Exterior Photography, Factory, FacadeBata Shoe Factory / BDP Quadrangle + Dubbeldam Architecture + Design - More Images+ 14

Quinte West, Canada

Ridge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects

Ridge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects - HousesRidge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects - HousesRidge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects - HousesRidge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects - HousesRidge Residence / Curran Gacesa Slote Architects - More Images+ 19

Quinte West, Canada
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  240
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Atlas Concorde, Agway Metals Inc., Bosch, CGC, Dulux