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Python: The Latest Architecture and News

AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete

Update: We've added a video of the process to the article!

This year's Architectural Association (AA) Summer DLAB program culminated in Weave.X, the final working prototype of three-dimensionally interwoven concrete structures. Designed and fabricated by 21 participants from 11 countries in July and August, the prototype explores computational design, geometry rationalization, material behavior, and robotic fabrication as applied to concrete and robotic rod-bending techniques. The result is a network of self-supporting concrete branches that envelop an amorphous enclosure.

AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete - Image 1 of 4AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete - Image 2 of 4AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete - Image 3 of 4AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete - Image 4 of 4AA Summer DLAB Program Applies Computational Design to Concrete - More Images+ 7