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  2. Puerto Montt

Puerto Montt: The Latest Architecture and News

Bofedales: Natural Infrastructures and Andean Landscapes

In the highlands of the Central Andes, one finds the "bofedales." Known by some as 'high Andean wetlands,' bofedales are ecosystems and landscapes crucial for water regulation and storage in the Andes. Moreover, they are natural infrastructures that constitute a material and immaterial heritage to address contemporary climate crises and to sustain local Andean communities, which have nurtured them for generations.

Chile Has a Lot to Say about Restoration: 5 Works That Recover and Revalue Heritage

Chile has a rich and vast heritage architecture, which is gradually gaining relevance through different initiatives that seek to renovate these buildings to give them a second life. The buildings and infrastructures were in disrepair, disused, or damaged, but have great architectural value, being an important contribution to the reconstruction of the history of Chilean cities.

Architecture Classics: 7 Sisters Housing Complex / Hugo Boetsch + Jorge Elton

Located in the city of Viña del Mar, Chile, the Conjunto Habitacional 7 Hermanas (7 Sisters Housing Complex) stands out among the urban landscape of Viña del Mar for its architectural qualities, colors, materials, and magnitude. When you look up, you can see between the leafy ravine that overlooks the Quinta Vergara urban park, the group of buildings located in the Forestal sector, which take over the slope and the plateau of the hill, crowning itself as one of the most important works of modern architecture in the region of Valparaíso.

Maitenes House / Ignacio Correa

Maitenes House / Ignacio Correa - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade
© Aryeh Kornfled

Maitenes House / Ignacio Correa - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeMaitenes House / Ignacio Correa - Interior Photography, Houses, DoorMaitenes House / Ignacio Correa - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeMaitenes House / Ignacio Correa - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeMaitenes House / Ignacio Correa - More Images+ 20

Puerto Montt, Chile
  • Architects: Ignacio Correa
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  300
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018