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  2. Proyecto Helicoide

Proyecto Helicoide: The Latest Architecture and News

Proyecto Helicoide: Reviving Venezuela's Unfinished Modernist Utopia

Although construction was never completed, El Helicoide (The Helix) in Caracas remains one of the most important relics of the Modern movement in Venezuela. The 73,000-square-meter project, designed in 1955 by Jorge Romero Gutiérrez, Peter Neuberger, and Dirk Bornhorst, takes the form of a double spiral topped by a large geodesic dome designed by Buckminster Fuller. It is characterized by a series of ascending and descending ramps intended to carry visitors to its variety of programmatic spaces, including 320 shops, a 5-star hotel, offices, a playground, a television studio, and a space for events and conventions.

Today, Proyecto Helicoide aims to rescue the urban history and memory of the building through a series of exhibitions, publications, and educational activities.