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PRG°B R Architektur: The Latest Architecture and News

SADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania

SADAR + VUGA and local partner PRG°B R Architektur have been awarded first prize in a competition for the new Headquarters for the Supreme Court and School of Magistrates in Tirana, Albania. The winning proposal, selected from a pool of over 30 international firms and from a shortlist of 5 finalists, renovates an existing 3,000 square meter Italian Rationalist structure while adding four light-filled courtrooms and a new educational block.

SADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania - Facade, Arch, LightingSADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania - Garden, FacadeSADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania - ChairSADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania - Facade, Column, Lighting, Table, ChairSADAR + VUGA Selected to Design Supreme Court of Albania - More Images+ 9