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Premio Prix Versailles: The Latest Architecture and News

24 Worldwide Winning Projects of the Prix Versailles 2023

With a total of 95 new projects recognized by Prix Versailles, the 24 global winners of this 2023 edition have recently been announced. They stand as evidence of the aesthetic vitality of each of their respective regions, paying homage to the work of numerous pioneering and/or internationally renowned firms.

The Continental Winners of the 2023 Prix Versailles Prize are Announced

Covering all regions of the world, the continental winning projects of the 2023 Prix Versailles have been revealed. With 18 selected establishments in the categories of stores, hotels, and restaurants, as well as 15 shopping centers, the projects are grouped into six regions: Africa and Western Asia; Central, South America, and the Caribbean; North America; Central and Northeast Asia; South Asia and the Pacific; and Europe.

Prix Versailles Announces 24 Winning Entries for the 2022 World Selection

Once again in its eighth edition, the Prix Versailles 2022 awards have honored the best achievements in contemporary architecture. A total of 24 projects from different parts of the world have been highlighted paying tribute to innovation, creativity, the reflection of local heritage, eco-efficiency, and the values of social interaction and participation upheld by the United Nations and aligned with the principles of intelligent sustainability considering the ecological, social and cultural impacts that surround the projects.

70 Projects Selected as Continental Winners of the Prix Versailles 2022

Now in its eighth edition, the Prix Versailles awards are presented to honor the best achievements in the field of architecture and design worldwide, promoting architectural production as a vector of intelligent sustainable development and considering ecological, social, and cultural impacts.