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Practice Design: The Latest Architecture and News

Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design

The India Autism Center (IAC), situated in Sirakole, West Bengal, represents a new perspective in accessible design and inclusivity. Designed to meet the specific needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related conditions, the center embodies a comprehensive approach to neurodiverse living. Developed by Practice Design, an architectural firm based in Mumbai and Kolkata, the 52-acre project is expected to be completed by 2030. It aims to create a supportive community where individuals with autism can realize their full potential through a variety of tailored services.

Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design - Imagem 1 de 4Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design - Imagem 2 de 4Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design - Imagem 3 de 4Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design - Imagem 4 de 4Practice Design Reveals India Autism Center as a Model of Inclusive and Accessible Design - More Images+ 5