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Porto Academy: The Latest Architecture and News

Porto Academy presents workshop 'Visiting Barragán' in Mexico City

Porto Academy is the result of an enormous passion for architecture as a discipline who believes that practice, as an exercise in the profession of architect, is fundamental for the future of the discipline and, therefore, one of the reasons why the program was founded.

Workshop: Porto Academy 2016

Porto Academy will happen from the 20th to the 27th of July 2016 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), one of the most prestigious Faculties in the world which was designed by the Pritzker awarded Álvaro Siza. The summer school includes lectures, workshop studios and bus trips.

Sign Up Now for Porto Academy 2015

Now for its third year, 's famed Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) will host "Porto Academy" - a week-long summer session of lectures, workshop studios and trips open to students internationally that provides the opportunity to work with the profession's finest. Planned to take place from July 20th through the 27th, this year's class will have the chance to work closely with the architects of Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Menos é Mais and many others. See a complete list of participating architects and find more details, after the break.