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Pavements: The Latest Architecture and News

How are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change

The climate crisis has made heatwaves more likely and more intense around the world. Record-breaking high temperatures are being reported across the world. According to international data, the first week of July 2023 was the hottest week on record, putting millions of people in danger. All throughout this summer, recurring heatwaves have been affecting large portions of Asia, Europe, and the United States, priming the land for fires in places like Greece, Spain, and Canada, triggering unhealthy air warnings, evacuations, and heat-related deaths. The increasingly threatening effects of the climate crisis are also felt in cities worldwide, as extreme heat proves to be a rapidly growing health risk to millions of urban dwellers.

Cities are on the front lines of this public health emergency. People living in urban areas are among the hardest hit when heatwaves happen, partly because of urban heat islands. This is a phenomenon that occurs when cities replace the natural land cover with dense concentrations of surfaces that absorb and retain heat, like pavements and buildings. Heat risk levels also vary by neighborhood, with less affluent and historically marginalized sectors being the most affected due to the density of the population, limited access to cooling systems, and the limited availability of green urban spaces.

How are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change - Image 1 of 4How are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change - Featured ImageHow are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change - Image 2 of 4How are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change - Image 3 of 4How are Cities Adapting to Heatwaves in the Face of Climate Change - More Images+ 2

Arquitectura à Moda do Porto: Episode 9 - Walking the Streets of Porto

Arquitectura à Moda do Porto: Episode 9 - Walking the Streets of Porto - Image 3 of 4

ArchDaily has teamed up with Building Pictures, Filipa Figueira and Tiago Vieira to feature weekly episodes of their video series “,” which highlights Porto’s most significant buildings over the last two decades.

The series launched in 2013 and is composed of 10 episodes, each focusing on a different theme: light, stairs, balconies, nature, textures, doors, windows, skylights, pavements and structures.

Last week we featured the series’ eighth episode about ’s skylights, and now we present Episode 9 – Pavements. Read the producers’ description of the latest episode after the break.