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  2. Paul Tange

Paul Tange: The Latest Architecture and News

“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange

In the following interview with Paul Tange, the chairman and senior principal architect at Tange Associates in Tokyo, we discussed the relationship with his famous architect-father Kenzo Tange (1913-2005; the most influential architect in postwar Japan and the winner of the 1987 Pritzker Prize), the fate of the house Tange senior built for his first family, the decision of joining his father’s practice right after graduation from Harvard, sharing his father’s design principles, and the vision behind his first independent built work – a 50-story Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower in Tokyo, a vertical campus that can accommodate up to 10,000 students; the project won an international competition, in which 50 international architects participated.

“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange - Image 1 of 4“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange - Image 2 of 4“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange - Image 3 of 4“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange - Image 4 of 4“I Followed My Father’s Advice and Did Not Design a House for My Family” in Conversation With Paul Tange - More Images+ 15