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  2. Paleis Het Loo

Paleis Het Loo: The Latest Architecture and News

Apeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten

Apeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - Extension, Facade, Beam
© KAAN Architecten

KAAN Architecten has been commissioned for the renovation and expansion of one of the Netherlands’ most renowned museums, the Paleis Het Loo. Responding to evolving purposes, the project scope involves the restoration and development of over 5,000 square meters of new space, including the House of Orange, the Junior Palace, and a temporary exhibition hall.

“The design, inspired by the layout and proportions of the Corps de Logis of Paleis Het Loo, incorporates all required facilities and spaces while expressing a grandeur fitting for one of the Netherlands’ most popular and visited museums,” announced the firm.

Apeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - Extension, Garden, Fence, Handrail, Facade, CityscapeApeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - Extension, Facade, CityscapeApeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - Extension, Stairs, ArchApeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - ExtensionApeldoorn's Renowned Museum Paleis Het Loo to Be Expanded by KAAN Architecten - More Images+ 8