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Outdoor Spaces: The Latest Architecture and News

How to Frame a View Worth Framing? Vitruvian Principles and the Ideal Window

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Windows are an essential architectural element whose basic function, though simple, remains vital. Primarily designed to let in natural light and facilitate air circulation, they play a constant role in everyday life, presenting an interesting duality. From an artistic perspective, painters such as Johannes Vermeer and Henri Matisse have used them as expressive tools, exploring their ability to frame views and tell stories. In contrast, windows have transcended traditional scales and designs within their contemporary and minimalist architectural dimension, creating fluid spatial connections between inside and outside. Beyond formal and stylistic innovation, this evolution finds resonance in the foundational concepts and treatises that have guided architecture since the past.

Exploring the Legacy of Modernism in Landscape Architecture

Modernist landscape architecture marked a radical shift from traditional garden designs, emphasizing simplicity, functionality, and a stronger connection between people and their environments. From the 1930s through the 1960s, this movement saw the emergence of visionary landscape architects who integrated form and function in ways that redefined outdoor spaces. Their designs responded to the rapidly evolving urban landscapes of the time, prioritizing usability and creating environments that could accommodate modern life. The enduring influence of these principles continues to shape contemporary practices, while also presenting unique challenges in preservation as these landscapes age.

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SOM Completes Restoration of New York’s Lever House, Seven Decades After Originally Designing It

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) has completed the restoration works for Lever House, one of New York’s Modernist landmarks. The building was completed in 1952, following SOM’s design. At that time, architecture critic Reyner Banham said of the building “it gave architectural expression to an age just as the age was being born.” Since then, SOM has retained a level of stewardship, revisiting the building and ensuring that the restoration works preserve the original image without compromising contemporary standards of performance.

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Major Lessons of Contemporary School Design: 37 Learning Spaces from Around the World

The role of a school is to prepare children for life. But with life-changing faster than ever, schools need to change just as quickly. Recent additions to school curriculums reflect the complexities of modern life, with environmental crises, societal injustices, and the dangers of social media now major parts of the syllabus.

Although it’s often said that long-term change begins at ground-level, change is never easy, wherever it starts. For example, a curriculum that responds to environmental issues is said to cause growing instances of eco-anxiety in children, one of a number of causes of another crisis, in children’s mental health.

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Thermally Modified Timber for Designing Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

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Timber, harvested and prepared for construction, is a durable material known for its strength and versatility. It serves as an architectural element in structural systems, framing, cladding, decking, and flooring. Although it possesses a warm and natural character that creates an aesthetic appeal, the inherent humidity of timber can cause wood deformation, leading to bending, mold, and rot once the moisture content reaches 23%. However, with the development of new products and production techniques, Thermowood –also known as Thermally Modified Timber– has emerged as a method for creating natural, chemical-free solutions made from certified raw materials.

By reducing moisture content, it does not rot or mold, it experiences no longitudinal shrinking, and ensures high dimensional stability, resulting in a minimum biological life span of 25 years. After analyzing how to apply these solutions in architecture and design, we will showcase indoor and outdoor spaces featuring Tantimber’s Thermowood products.

Aesthetic Accents: Flower-Shaped Umbrellas that Fuse Beauty and Utility

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Sun protection is a universal need for human beings. While sunlight benefits our health and mood, it is also essential to protect ourselves from its harmful effects on our well-being and comfort. Throughout history, architecture has provided solutions to this need by offering shelter and comfort in shaded areas. Since ancient Egypt, sunshades made of palm leaves attached to a pole have been used to protect against the sun in open spaces.

Thanks to contemporary materials, we can now develop more durable outdoor structures and furniture than the palm leaves used by the Egyptians 4000 years ago. This has resulted in lightweight and aesthetically pleasing structures that resulted from the designs and materials that emerged in the 20th century. Although these designs are not made from natural elements, they incorporate pieces that replicate their characteristics, providing shade with unique shapes and a distinctive design. In this context, cbdesign has created the Daisy umbrella. This flower-shaped parasol reproduces the colors found in natural surroundings, such as the sea, yellow frangipani, the blue sky, and purple bougainvillea.