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Out Of Ocean: The Latest Architecture and News

"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture

"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - Image 4 of 4
Courtesy of Emily-Claire Goksøyr

With rising sea levels and incessant consumption of plastic, the state of the earth's oceans is rapidly deteriorating. Instead of discarding or burning this plastic, architects Erik Goksøyr and Emily-Claire Goksøyr questioned whether any architectural potential exists in this neglected material. By conducting an extensive material study, the duo designed three prototypes to postulate this theory. 

Though starting out as a humble thesis, this project is being actualized under the organization, Out of Ocean. From the shores of the Koster Islands in Sweden, plastic samples were collected and studied for their various material performance in areas such as color, texture, light, and translucency.

"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - Image 2 of 4"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - Image 1 of 4"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - Image 4 of 4"Plastic Island" Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - Image 3 of 4Plastic Island Imagines the Possibilities of Reusing Oceanic Waste in Architecture - More Images+ 31