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  2. Osona

Osona: The Latest Architecture and News

GE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes

GE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes  - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Door, ForestGE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes  - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Door, ForestGE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes  - Interior Photography, Houses, Facade, Beam, Chair, TableGE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes  - Interior Photography, Houses, Kitchen, Countertop, Lighting, SinkGE House / Alventosa Morell Arquitectes  - More Images+ 15

Osona, Spain
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  110
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Eric Madrenas, Fusteria Jaume Olivé S.L, Metalistería Metcor, Paleteria

L’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura

L’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura - Interior Photography, Houses, ChairL’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura - Interior Photography, HousesL’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura - Interior Photography, Houses, Beam, ChairL’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura - Exterior Photography, HousesL’Esquirol House / SAU Taller d’Arquitectura - More Images+ 7

Barcelona, Spain