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ONZ Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub

ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub - Image 1 of 4ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub - Image 4 of 4ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub - Image 3 of 4ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub - Image 2 of 4ONZ Repurpose Abandoned Stadium into Urban Park with Cultural Hub - More Images+ 9

Antakya Atatürk Stadium of Hatay, Turkey, was originally built in 1950 but closed recently due to its inability to meet growing demand. In a new public project titled Green Wings, ONZ Architects aim to transform this former urban center into a new park with a cultural hub.

12 Projects Win Regional Holcim Awards 2014 for Africa Middle East

Teams from Turkey and Lebanon have received top honors in the 2014 regional Holcim Awards for Africa Middle East, an award which recognizes the most innovative and advanced sustainable construction designs. Among the top three winners is an “Eco-Park” sustainable research and technology center embedded within the terraced, industrial landscape of Ankara.

The 12 recognized projects will share over $300,000 in prize money, with the top three projects overall going on to be considered for the global Holcim Awards, to be selected in 2015.

The full list of Africa Middle East winners, after the break…

Marc Koehler and ONZ Design Massive, "Ultra-Modern" Campus in Turkey

Marc Koehler Architects, in collaboration with ONZ Architects, have recently won an invited competition for their design of the Kastamonu Campus in Turkey. Their winning proposal, described as "an asymmetrical star", embodies excellence and is an endeavor to create the largest high school campus ever designed. Featuring laboratories, libraries, performance spaces, sports centers, a health centre, places of worship, dormitories and 29,000 square meters of educational spaces, the campus is expected to welcome 10,000 students.