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"New(er) York" Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today

The New York Times recently reported that over 40% of the buildings on the island of Manhattan wouldn’t be granted construction permits in 2017. Most of the culprits date back to the early 20th century when attitudes towards density, ceiling heights, column placement, and general living standards were different. This begs the question: what would modern iterations of New York’s signature structures look like today? Billed by the practice as “an obsessive-compulsive study of the city we love” HWKN’s New(er) York is a peculiar experiment that tackles this hypothetical.

"New(er) York" Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today - Image 1 of 4"New(er) York" Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today - Image 2 of 4"New(er) York" Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today - Image 3 of 4"New(er) York" Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today - Image 4 of 4New(er) York Imagines What New York's Historic Structures Would Look Like if Built Today - More Images+ 11