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OKRA Landscape Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

OKRA Receives the European Urban Public Space Award 2022

The Dutch firm OKRA landschapsarchitecten has been awarded the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2022 for its project to restore the Catharijnesingel canal in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Being an initiative of the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), this eleventh edition received 326 projects from 35 different countries showing those problems that European cities must face and proposing some solutions in the framework of a post-pandemic context focused on climate change and how to make cities more livable.

UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability

Incorporating the Environmental, social, and corporate governance objectives, the 45,000 m2 Office Tower in the Europaviertel in Frankfurt aims to be one of Germany's most sustainable office buildings. Designed by UNStudio in partnership with Groß & Partner in collaboration with OKRA landscape architects, the project focuses on environmental and social sustainability as an integral part of Frankfurt's green network. The ecological agenda includes a low-carbon load-bearing structure and recyclable construction materials. The architecture program offers a public urban space to add value to its surroundings to encourage communication and gathering.

UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability - Image 1 of 4UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability - Image 2 of 4UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability - Image 3 of 4UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability - Image 4 of 4UNStudio Designs Tower in Germany, Focusing on Environmental and Social Sustainability - More Images+ 4

Green River Brateevo / OKRA Landscape Architects

Green River Brateevo / OKRA Landscape Architects - Image 16 of 4
Courtesy of OKRA Landscape Architects

At the Second Exhibition Forum on Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art last week in Moscow, the project Green River Project Brateevo has been awarded with the Russian National Award on Landscape Architecture. The project, designed by OKRA landscape architects, is a joint cooperation between Russia and the Netherlands. Supported by the Dutch Government, the Department for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow and the Dutch Government Service for Land and Water management (DLG), are working together with the Dutch consultancy OKRA landscape architects, the Russian consultancy Ampir landscape architects and the Research and Design Institute for the Master Plan of Moscow on the development and exchange of ideas for a sustainable cityscape. Objective is to develop a toolkit for sustainable green development as an integral part of urban redevelopment. More images and project description after the break.