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TEDx: How to Build a Better Block / Jason Roberts

In this TEDx Talk, Jason Roberts – known as the “The Bike Guy” in his Oak Cliff community outside of Dallas, Texas – gives his audience a how-to guide in improving a community one block at a time as part of a project called “The Better Block“. The project did not start off as an organization with vast goals and strong following; instead it started off with Roberts’ interest and desire to develop his community into one that had a legacy apart from the highways and overpasses that dominate the landscape. Inspired by the rich history and existing street life of European cities with their historic buildings and monuments, plazas, and vistas; Roberts started small and eventually built a foundation and organization that is now nationally recognized and used as a tool to develop cities across the country.

Read on for more after the break.

AD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff

AD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff - Houses, BeamAD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff - HousesAD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff - Houses, FacadeAD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff - Houses, Facade, HandrailAD Classics: Bavinger House / Bruce Goff - More Images+ 3

  • Architects: Bruce Goff
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  1955

AD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene

AD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - Houses, FacadeAD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - Houses, LightingAD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - Houses, Facade, ArchAD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - Houses, Arch, BenchAD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: Herb Greene
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  1961