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noAarchitecten: The Latest Architecture and News

David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium

The team comprised of David Kohn Architects, noA Architecten, and Asli Çiçek has won the international competition for the redesign of SMAK, the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent, Belgium. The project includes the reconfiguration of the museum grounds and the extension of a cluster of historic buildings in the center of the city. Established in 1999, the Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst aims to redefine its relationship with the city and to create more appropriate space for the design of its extensive contemporary art collection.

David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium - Image 1 of 4David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium - Image 2 of 4David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium - Image 3 of 4David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium - Image 4 of 4David Kohn Architects and noAarchitecten Win Competition to Redesign the SMAK Museum in Ghent, Belgium - More Images+ 11

Former Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou"

Former Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou" - Facade
Exterior view. Image Courtesy of NOA / EM2N / SBA

A team comprising noAarchitecten, EM2N, and Sergison Bates has won a design competition for the transformation of a former Citroën factory in Brussels into a cultural hub, merging a Museum of Contemporary Art, architecture center, and public amenities under the name “KANAL – Centre Pompidou.” The architects’ vision was for a scheme which reflects on the role of the twenty-first-century museum in society, one which opens out towards the city to entice the general public.

Former Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou" - Facade, ChairFormer Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou" - Facade, LightingFormer Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou" - Beam, LightingFormer Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels "Centre Pompidou" - FacadeFormer Citroën Factory to be Converted Into Brussels Centre Pompidou - More Images+ 6